When you decide that the time is right to buy a boat, your instinct may be to do so during the warm summer months of the year. After all, it would surely be the best time to get your new toy out on the water and play with it to your heart’s content, right?
Not necessarily.
In truth, buying a boat during the winter actually brings with it a wide range of different benefits that can’t be ignored. You may say to yourself, “What is the point of buying a boat if it’s just going to sit around for a few months until the weather warms up?” But if you’ve just saved yourself literally thousands of dollars over the original purchase price, at that point, who cares?
The Advantages of Buying a Boat in the Winter
As stated, winter is one of the best periods of the year to buy a boat because of the sheer amount of money you’ll save alone. Unlike when it comes time to buy a car, boat shows are absolutely the best place to get a great deal on your new boat – and these tend to happen during the winter more often than not. This is especially true in terms of the smaller, regional shows that only happen once a year.
Not only will you be able to score yourself a great price, but you’ll also have an opportunity to see all of the different types and models in one place so that you can find the solution that is right for you up close and personal. A lot of these shows will also give you access to on-site training in terms of boating tips, tricks and best practices – an opportunity that should most certainly not be overlooked.
Likewise, everyone wants to buy a boat during the summer – which means that if you’re trying to make your purchase in time for the current season, you’re going to feel a little bit like you’re under the gun. Buying during the winter gives you a chance to really slow things down and take your time with it, all of which can make sure that you end up with the right boat to fit your needs when that warm weather does finally roll around once again.
The same principle applies to purchasing from your local boat dealer. Much in the same way as car dealerships operate, boat dealers need to make monthly targets and clear older model stock lines to ensure financial turnover. This gives you great leverage if you are willing to buy out of season and negotiating a substantial discount can benefit both parties.
Be Summer Ready!
Once your new boat purchase is on the books, it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t wait to get your boat licence or refresher course sorted until the summer has arrived once again. Doing so could actually delay your adventures out on the open water more than you’d like and if your new baby has already been couped up inside all winter that is something you’ll likely be enthusiastic to avoid.
To find out more about all of the maritime training course options that we have available, including obtaining your boat licence in NSW or Victoria, or to learn more about why it’s a great idea to buy a boat during the winter, please contact Maritime & Safety Training today.